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  • Gain vital skills to support refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants impacted by trauma

    Are you a professional, student, or volunteer aiming to better support refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants affected by trauma and complex PTSD? This in-depth, thought-provoking module at Oxford Brookes...

    For Sale : £375

    Gain vital skills to support refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants impacted by trauma
  • Belbien

    Belbien is a self-adhesive decorative films with excellent design quality, durability, and water resistance. With a rich variety, Belbien products have been used since 1980 in a variety of applications around the world,...

    Wanted : Negotiable

  • Serviced Apartments in Oxford | Serviced Accommodation in Oxford | Short Term Stay in Oxford

    Rent this website Are you a Serviced Accommodation operator in Oxford? Would you like to receive direct bookings without paying any commission to the OTAs? Are you looking to grow your business organically to...

    For Sale : £1,000

    Serviced Apartments in Oxford | Serviced Accommodation in Oxford | Short Term Stay in Oxford
  • Computer repairs – oxford laptops repairs

    Oxfordlaptopsukrepars - We are one stop destination providing all laptop repair services for Dell, Hp & Sony laptop, computer, macbook & Iphone repair services in Oxford, UK we also reair ,acbook, iphone & mobiles...

    For Sale : £50

    Computer repairs – oxford laptops repairs
  • Chromakey kits

    Chroma key kit is an ideal studio photography kit. Chroma key kit with support system and 2000 watts quartz lights can be easily setup in mere minutes. The kit contains the primary items that is needed for a photography...

    For Sale : £349

    Chromakey kits
Oxford listings on Ebay...

Looking for items relating to Oxford? Listed below are various items that may be of interest to you. Listings are updated from eBay UK.

Oxford Items For Sale
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories, Oxford Reads, Student Issue Limited EditionThe Metamorphosis and Other Stories, Oxford Reads, Student Issue Limited Edition
Only a few remain for wider distribution.
This book is a valuable addition to any language enthusiast's collection. It provides a comprehensive grammar of the English language, covering all aspects from basic vocabulary to advanced sentence structures. The author, William Corbett, is an expert in English language and has helped millions of people improve their language skills. The book is available in paperback format and is published by Oxford Language Classics. It is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their English language skills, and it is perfect for both beginners and advanced learners. Get your copy today and take your language skills to the next level!
The Tragedy of Coriolanus: The Oxford Shakespeare by William Shakespeare The Tragedy of Coriolanus: The Oxford Shakespeare by William Shakespeare
The Tragedy of Coriolanus is a play written by William Shakespeare, featured in The Oxford Shakespeare series. This edition presents the timeless classic with critical commentary and notes to aid readers in understanding the text. The tragic tale follows the Roman general Coriolanus as he navigates political struggles and personal flaws, making it a compelling read for fans of Shakespearean literature.
SIGNED COPY - The Skipper's War: Dragon School, Oxford & WW1 by Desmond DevittSIGNED COPY - The Skipper's War: Dragon School, Oxford & WW1 by Desmond Devitt
The Skipper's War: Dragon School, Oxford & The Great War by Desmond Devitt. ?The story of these hundreds of lives and deaths connected by five years in a north Oxford prep school is almost an encyclopaedia of the war.
The Apocryphal Apocalypse - Alastair Hamilton (Oxford-Warburg studies)The Apocryphal Apocalypse - Alastair Hamilton (Oxford-Warburg studies)
This is the first study of the reception of the apocryphal Second Book of Esdras (4 Ezra) from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. Professor Hamilton discusses the concepts of biblical apocrypha and canonicity in connection with the increasingly critical attitude to religious authority which developed with the humanists and intensified with the Reformation.
Notule Libri Priorum: Part 2 by Robert Kilwardby, Oxford University PressNotule Libri Priorum: Part 2 by Robert Kilwardby, Oxford University Press
Robert Kilwardby (d.1279) was an English scholar who lectured on logic and grammar at the University of Paris in the 1230s. Throughout the thirteenth century and up to the sixteenth,Kilwardby's lectures on Aristotle's Prior Analytics were considered to contain the authoritative exposition of Aristotle's syllogistic logic.
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Volume V, Ashmolean Museum Oxford Part IXSylloge Nummorum Graecorum Volume V, Ashmolean Museum Oxford Part IX
It will be of interest to numismatists, coin collectors, and scholars and students of the archaeology and history of the Greek world. Part IX, Bosporus - Aeolis. Published by the Oxford University Press, 2013.
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Volume V, Ashmolean Museum Oxford Part XISylloge Nummorum Graecorum Volume V, Ashmolean Museum Oxford Part XI
This fully-illustrated catalogue publishes 2021 pre-imperial ancient Greek coins from an area of Asia Minor covering Caria to Commagene but excluding Cyprus. Technical details are supplied for each coin, with comparanda and provenances in nearly every case.
The Oxford Handbook of Mutual, Co-Operative, and Co-owned BusinessThe Oxford Handbook of Mutual, Co-Operative, and Co-owned Business
Published by Oxford University Press, 2017. Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Oxford OX4 2JY Reg. Charity No 202918. Very Good. Light wear and a small tear to the top back of the Dust Jacket. Interior Clean.
Oral Pathology - J.V. Soames J.C. Southam 2005 OxfordOral Pathology - J.V. Soames J.C. Southam 2005 Oxford
Oral Pathologyhas been extensively revised and updated. Extensive use has been made of key points to aid learning. Highly illustrated in full colour, the new edition continues to provide clear, concise and comprehensive coverage of the clinical and pathological features of a wide range of oral diseases.
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